Compare File Name Label
response_rm_leave_third_ctry How are refugees responding to this restrictive measure?/Leaving Lebanon for a third country (not Lebanon, not Syria)
care_required3 If not, why not?/No close family in Lebanon or family unable to help
response_rm_relocate_lebanon How are refugees responding to this restrictive measure?/Relocating to a new place within Lebanon
respond_incident_reloc_leb How have you/your family members responded to this incident(s)?/Relocating within Lebanon
reentry_syr Has anyone from your household come back from Syria to Lebanon in the past 30 days?
socio_econ_moved_leb In last 30 days what impact had the deteriorating socio-economic situation?/Move to another district within Lebanon
eviction27 How has your family dealt with the impact and consequences of the eviction (including through relocation)?/Relocated as a family within Lebanon
responded_coping_breadwinnermove In last 30 day, how responded to deteriorating economic situation?/Breadwinner has moved to another location in Lebanon to find work
debt_current What is the household’s current debt in Lebanon up to now from borrowing money and/or receiving credit (informal and formal debt)? (In LBP)
reas_lack_legres_civextract Why do these individuals lack legal residency?/For children having turned 15 in Lebanon: GSO did not approve civil extract
why_no_plan_vaccine_lacklegres Why are household members not planning to get vaccinated?/Worried about lack of legal residency in Lebanon causing me problems at vaccination site
eviction40 How has your family dealt with the impact and consequences of the eviction (including through relocation)?/Some family members relocated within Lebanon
responded_coping_movedemployment In last 30 day, how responded to deteriorating economic situation?/Whole family has moved to another location in Lebanon in search of better employment opportunities
reas_lack_legres_parentlegres Why do these individuals lack legal residency?/For children having turned 15 in Lebanon: GSO required one parent must have legal residency