Compare File Name Label
intent_return Intention to return permanently in the next 3 months
q31_13 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/To obtain humanitarian assistance in Ukraine
q25_9 25. What were the sources of your household’s income last month?/Transfers from relatives or friends in Ukraine
q32 32. Where will you return to in Ukraine?
q31_2 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/I want to reunite with my family in Ukraine
q10 10. When did you leave Ukraine?
q30 30. Whom are you planning to return to Ukraine with?
q32_other 32.1. To which oblast of Ukraine will you go?
hope_return Hope to move back to Ukraine one day
s1 Were you living in Ukraine as a resident on the 23rd of February 2022?
q12 12. What was your main activity prior to leaving Ukraine?
q33_12 33. What are the three main reasons why you are not planning to return permanently to Ukraine in the next 3 months?/Because I no longer have family in Ukraine
q27 27. What was the main reason why you went back to Ukraine?
q31_19 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/Other
q37 37. Do you hope to go back to Ukraine one day?
q42 41. Do you hope to go back to Ukraine one day?
q11 11. What is the status of the dwelling (house, apartment) that you were living in Ukraine?
q26 26. Have you been back to Ukraine after you first left?
q28 28. Do you plan to go back to Ukraine in the next 3 months?
q31_99 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/Prefer not to answer
q9 9.1. In which oblast of Ukraine were you, personally, living on the 23rd of February of 2022?
q31_5 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/To access work / livelihood opportunities
q31_7 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/To provide education for my children
q16_2 16. Did you register for any of the following in this country:/Asylum / Refugee Status
q31_1 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/Because security situation has improved
q31_3 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/To take care of my property / housing
q38_15 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/Other
q31_4 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/I have been asked to return to work
q31_14 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/Because my family has decided to return
q38_99 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/Prefer not to answer
q31_18 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/I want to live in my cultural and language environment
q33_14 33. What are the three main reasons why you are not planning to return permanently to Ukraine in the next 3 months?/Other
q5 5. How many persons (including yourself) who left Ukraine after 23th February of 2022 are there in your household currently?
q31_6 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/To access to adequate basic services (health, water, power, etc.)
q31_9 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/Because of problems accessing legal status / residence permit in this country
q31_15 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/Because I have sufficient resources and support to return and reintegrate
q31_16 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/Because I have now sufficient information to return home
q33_99 33. What are the three main reasons why you are not planning to return permanently to Ukraine in the next 3 months?/Prefer not to answer
q33_1 33. What are the three main reasons why you are not planning to return permanently to Ukraine in the next 3 months?/Because of safety and security concerns
q38_1 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/If security situation improves/ political solution to the conflict
q38_2 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/If I am confident that there are work/livelihood opportunities
q38_8 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/If I have sufficient information to make a decision
q38_14 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/When all my family is ready to return
q31_17 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/I want to go back to my country where I was born and grew up
q33_2 33. What are the three main reasons why you are not planning to return permanently to Ukraine in the next 3 months?/Because of lack of work / livelihood opportunities
q33_4 33. What are the three main reasons why you are not planning to return permanently to Ukraine in the next 3 months?/Because of lack of education for my children
q38_6 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/If I have sufficient resources or support to return and/or reintegrate
q38_4 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/If I am confident that my children will have access to education
q31_12 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/Because I have used up all my savings / cannot afford to live in this country anymore
q33_6 33. What are the three main reasons why you are not planning to return permanently to Ukraine in the next 3 months?/Because I don’t have the documents required to return
q38_5 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/If I am confident that there is access to my property / housing or alternative housing
q38_11 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/If I/my family continue to face legal status problems in this country
q31_8 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/To access services to cater for my specific needs (such as disability, special medical need, elderly requiring care etc.)
q31_10 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/Because I / my family face problems in this country (e.g. discrimination, harassment, exploitation, abuse against children or women)
q33_3 33. What are the three main reasons why you are not planning to return permanently to Ukraine in the next 3 months?/Because of inadequate basic services (health, water, power, infrastructure etc.)
q33_5 33. What are the three main reasons why you are not planning to return permanently to Ukraine in the next 3 months?/Because of lack of adequate housing and/or concerns over my property/housing
q33_10 33. What are the three main reasons why you are not planning to return permanently to Ukraine in the next 3 months?/Because I don’t have sufficient resources or support to return and/or reintegrate there
q33_11 33. What are the three main reasons why you are not planning to return permanently to Ukraine in the next 3 months?/Because some of my immediate / extended family do not wish to return
q33_13 33. What are the three main reasons why you are not planning to return permanently to Ukraine in the next 3 months?/Unable to return to the previous place of residence due to the occupation of the territory/city
q38_7 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/If I have the documents required to return (e.g. passport to be able to cross international borders)
q33_7 33. What are the three main reasons why you are not planning to return permanently to Ukraine in the next 3 months?/Because I don’t have enough information about the situation to make a decision
q31_11 31. Why do you plan to return permanently to Ukraine?/Because I / my family lack access to basic services or assistance in this country (e.g. food, water, health, education, shelter, etc.)
q38_3 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/If I am confident that I will have access to adequate basic services (health, water, power, etc.)
q41_1 41. Why do you plan to go to that country?/Is close from here
q38_12 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/If I/my family continues to face problems in this country (e.g. discrimination, harassment, exploitation, abuse against children or women)
q33_8 33. What are the three main reasons why you are not planning to return permanently to Ukraine in the next 3 months?/Because of lack of services to cater for my specific needs (such as disability, special medical need, elderly requiring care etc.)
q33_9 33. What are the three main reasons why you are not planning to return permanently to Ukraine in the next 3 months?/Because of fears due to my profile (i.e. LGBTI, woman alone, certain political profile, SGBV survivor, etc.)
q38_9 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/If I am sure there is availability of services to cater for my specific needs (such as disability, special medical need, elderly requiring care etc.)
q25_2 25. What were the sources of your household’s income last month?/Salary from employment
q36_1 36. Why do you plan to go to that country?/Is close from my current location
q38_10 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/If I am sure that individuals with my profile will not face harm (i.e. LGBTI, woman alone, SGBV survivor, certain political profile, etc.)
q38_13 38. What are the main three issues that would help you decide on returning permanently to Ukraine?/If I/my family continues to face financial problems or lack of access basic services in this country (e.g. health, education, adequate accommodation, docume
q25_3 25. What were the sources of your household’s income last month?/Income from self-employment
q25_8 25. What were the sources of your household’s income last month?/Transfers from relatives or friends in this country
q25_6 25. What were the sources of your household’s income last month?/Income from investment, savings, insurance or property
q25_10 25. What were the sources of your household’s income last month?/Transfers from relatives or friends in other countries