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COV_stress_fear_COVID If yes, how did the stress manifest itself?/Fear to contract COVID-19
intent_why_COVID_movement_restri Why do you intend to leave?/COVID-19 related movement restrictions
intent_why_fear_COVID_curr_loc Why do you intend to leave?/Fear of COVID-19 in location of residence
live_COVID_no_change How did COVID-19 affect your household's primary livelihood source?/Not affected
live_COVID_other How did COVID-19 affect your household's primary livelihood source?/Other
COVID_income_change Compared to before COVID-19, how much does your household earn in total?
reason_no_registration_COVID_19 Why is this household member not registered with UNHCR/Lack of access to registration due to COVID-19
COVID_movement_restrictions Were movement restrictions put in place in your location of residence because of COVID-19?
COVID_stress_levels Did COVID-19 affect the stress level of you and other members of your household?
intent_why_COVID_lack_livelihoo Why do you intend to leave?/COVID-19 related lack of access to livelihoods
reason_missing_docs_COVID What is the reason for missing documentation?/Could not be replaced due to government closure during COVID-19
live_COVID_remittances_stopped How did COVID-19 affect your household's primary livelihood source?/Remittances stopped completely
vaccination_COVID_impact Did COVID-19 related lockdowns and movement restrictions impede your children to receive their routine vaccinations?
COV_hlth_diff_COVID_closure If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty./Closure of health care centre because of COVID-19 restrictions
live_COVID_reduced_days_job How did COVID-19 affect your household's primary livelihood source?/Reduced days at permanent job
live_COVID_less_daily_labour How did COVID-19 affect your household's primary livelihood source?/Less daily labor opportunities
isolation_area_available Does your household have access to a space for self-isolation in case of suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19?
isolation_necessary_past Did anyone of your household need access to COVID-19 related quarantine facilities since the outbreak in 2020?
primary_school_place How far is the closest functioning primary school to your location (functioning = before COVID-19 school closure)?
secondary_school_place How far is the closest functioning secondary school to your location (functioning = before COVID-19 school closure)?
main_conc_COVID_19 Which of the following concerns are the three most relevant for your household?/Lack of access to registration due to COVID-19
live_COVID_access_produc_assets How did COVID-19 affect your household's primary livelihood source?/Cannot physically access productive assets
live_COVID_less_support_family How did COVID-19 affect your household's primary livelihood source?/Less support from family and friends
alternative_school_other Do children in your household have access to any of the following alterative school types due to COVID-19?/Other
live_COVID_lost_job How did COVID-19 affect your household's primary livelihood source?/At least one household member lost job
live_COVID_selling_products_imp How did COVID-19 affect your household's primary livelihood source?/Cannot physically access market to sell products
acce_ment_care_closure_COVID If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./Closure of services because of COVID-19 restrictions
info_aid_COVID_19 What type of information would you like to receive from aid providers?/Lack of access to registration due to COVID-19
market_COVID_no_effect How has COVID-19 affected your ability to access markets to buy food and basic non-food items (NFIs)?/No effect
market_COVID_other How has COVID-19 affected your ability to access markets to buy food and basic non-food items (NFIs)?/Other
alternative_school_education_TV Do children in your household have access to any of the following alterative school types due to COVID-19?/Educational TV channel
alternative_school_self_learning Do children in your household have access to any of the following alterative school types due to COVID-19?/Self-learning materials
alternative_school_other_online Do children in your household have access to any of the following alterative school types due to COVID-19?/Other online platforms
healthcare_difficulties If someone needed to access health care before COVID, did the member(s) experience any problems in accessing the health care needed ?
alternative_school_EWANE Do children in your household have access to any of the following alterative school types due to COVID-19?/EWANE online education platform
report_protection_concerns During COVID-19, do you know where and how to remotely report any protection concerns members of your household might face?
reas_no_empl_lost_COVID If this person did not work at least 10 days during the last 30 days, what were the reasons for this?/Lost job because of COVID-19
alternative_school_no_access Do children in your household have access to any of the following alterative school types due to COVID-19?/No access to any alternative types of schooling
reas_no_empl_reduced_COVID If this person did not work at least 10 days during the last 30 days, what were the reasons for this?/Reduced working days because of COVID-19
market_COVID_less_items How has COVID-19 affected your ability to access markets to buy food and basic non-food items (NFIs)?/Less availability of basic items
impact_mov_rest_no_access_health If yes, what did these restrictions prohibit you from doing?/Household members could not access the hospital or health care centre for non-COVID-19 illnesses and emergencies
market_COVID_less_financial_acce How has COVID-19 affected your ability to access markets to buy food and basic non-food items (NFIs)?/Less financial access due to reduced income
market_COVID_goods_more_expens How has COVID-19 affected your ability to access markets to buy food and basic non-food items (NFIs)?/Basic goods have become more expensive
access_health_service Prior to COVID-19 in February and March, has anyone in your household needed to access health services or treatment for health issues or disabilities (including medicines and excluding mental health issues)?
market_COVID_less_physical_acce How has COVID-19 affected your ability to access markets to buy food and basic non-food items (NFIs)?/Physical access to market is more difficult due to movement restrictions
cop_COVID_other Which one of the following things, if any, did at least one member of your household start doing during the COVID-19 pandemic starting mid-March, which they did not do before? /Other
COVID_access_health_service Since COVID-19 started in Iraq (mid-March), has anyone in your household needed to access health services or treatment for health issues or disabilities (including medicines and excluding mental health issues)?
formal_education Did this child attend a formal basic education (including in-person education at school or home schooling during COVID-19) regularly (at least 4 days per week) throughout the past school year?
cop_COVID_none Which one of the following things, if any, did at least one member of your household start doing during the COVID-19 pandemic starting mid-March, which they did not do before? /None of these difficulties
cop_COVID_family_migrating Which one of the following things, if any, did at least one member of your household start doing during the COVID-19 pandemic starting mid-March, which they did not do before? /Whole family are migrating
cop_COVID_children_dropout Which one of the following things, if any, did at least one member of your household start doing during the COVID-19 pandemic starting mid-March, which they did not do before? /Children dropout from school
cop_COVID_forcefully_married Which one of the following things, if any, did at least one member of your household start doing during the COVID-19 pandemic starting mid-March, which they did not do before? /Children or adult forcefully marriaged
cop_COVID_selling_transport Which one of the following things, if any, did at least one member of your household start doing during the COVID-19 pandemic starting mid-March, which they did not do before? /Selling means of transport (car, motorbike
cop_COVID_adults_risky_behaviour Which one of the following things, if any, did at least one member of your household start doing during the COVID-19 pandemic starting mid-March, which they did not do before? /Accepting that adults engage in risky behaviour
cop_COVID_selling_property Which one of the following things, if any, did at least one member of your household start doing during the COVID-19 pandemic starting mid-March, which they did not do before? /Selling household properties (refrigerator, television, jewellery…)
cop_COVID_changing_accommodation Which one of the following things, if any, did at least one member of your household start doing during the COVID-19 pandemic starting mid-March, which they did not do before? /Changing place of residence and accommodation to reduce expenses
cop_COVID_child_labour Which one of the following things, if any, did at least one member of your household start doing during the COVID-19 pandemic starting mid-March, which they did not do before? /Children under 18 work to provide resources
cop_COVID_reducing_non_food_expe Which one of the following things, if any, did at least one member of your household start doing during the COVID-19 pandemic starting mid-March, which they did not do before? /Reducing expenditure on non-food items (health, education)
cop_COVID_food_on_credit Which one of the following things, if any, did at least one member of your household start doing during the COVID-19 pandemic starting mid-March, which they did not do before? /Buying food on credit or through borrowed money from relatives and friends