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covid_yn a. COVID-19 symptoms
gov_measures_yn b. Government measures relating to COVID-19
nec_care_not1 a. If not, why not?/a. Self-isolation due to COVID-19
top_fear a. First top fear of concerns relating to COVID-19
symptoms 16. Do you know what are the symptoms of COVID-19?
nec_care_not2 a. If not, why not?/b. Care services discontinued due to COVID-19
second_fear b. Second most important fear of concerns relating to COVID-19
third_fear c. Third most important fear of concerns relating to COVID-19
comm_tensions e. Please specify the type of community tensions that have resulted from COVID-19:
un_measures_yn c. UNHCR measures relating to COVID-19 and services that remain available (including hotline)
acc_treat_yn d. How to access testing/treatment if you suspect you have COVID-19
ind_eviction5 a. Please specify the reason for the individual eviction (select all that apply)/Discrimination related to COVID-19
rec_info11 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/k. Municipality
rec_info13 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/m. Shawish
rec_info16 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/p. Other
main_problems10 29. What are the main problems that you are facing in relation to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/j. None
main_problems12 29. What are the main problems that you are facing in relation to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/l. No reply
main_problems13 29. What are the main problems that you are facing in relation to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/m. Other
covid_impact23 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/t. No reply
rec_info1 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/a. Ministry of Health website
rec_info3 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/c. Leaflets and posters
rec_info4 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/d. UNHCR website
rec_info7 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/g. UNHCR Whatsapp
rec_info8 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/h. UNHCR SMS
rec_info14 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/n. Friends and family
rec_info15 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/o. Neighbors/community
main_problems3 29. What are the main problems that you are facing in relation to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/c. Lack of food
main_problems4 29. What are the main problems that you are facing in relation to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/d. Shortage of medicine
main_problems9 29. What are the main problems that you are facing in relation to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/i. Electricity cuts
main_problems11 29. What are the main problems that you are facing in relation to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/k. Don’t know
rest_measures1 1. Have any of the following measures been imposed in this area as a result of COVID-19? (list all measures to respondent)/Curfew
rest_measures8 1. Have any of the following measures been imposed in this area as a result of COVID-19? (list all measures to respondent)/Raids
rest_measures13 1. Have any of the following measures been imposed in this area as a result of COVID-19? (list all measures to respondent)/Other
rest_measures16 1. Have any of the following measures been imposed in this area as a result of COVID-19? (list all measures to respondent)/No reply
covid_impact20 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/u. Other -specify
covid_impact21 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/r. None (no impact)
covid_impact22 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/s. Don’t know
more_info1 19. Which areas do you feel you need more information on? (list all to the respondent)/a. COVID-19 Symptoms
rec_info2 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/b. Ministry of Health SMS
rec_info5 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/e. UNHCR reception centers
rec_info9 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/i. Community volunteers /OVs
rec_info12 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/l. Media (TV, radio)
family_role_yes1 If so how?/a. Being the main caretaker for one or more family members who have COVID 19 (children/spouse/parents)
main_problems7 29. What are the main problems that you are facing in relation to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/g. Feeling extremely isolated
main_problems8 29. What are the main problems that you are facing in relation to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/h. Lack of access to information
rest_measures14 1. Have any of the following measures been imposed in this area as a result of COVID-19? (list all measures to respondent)/No, no measures imposed
rest_measures15 1. Have any of the following measures been imposed in this area as a result of COVID-19? (list all measures to respondent)/Don’t know
types_threat_yn 2. Have you faced any of the following types of threat or pressure in relation to the COVID-19 situation? (list all measures to respondent)
covid_impact10 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/j. Increased community tensions
covid_impact11 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/k. Loss of employment and/or livelihood
covid_impact15 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/o. Psychological distress or anxiety
hum_services1 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/Shelter
hum_services16 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/No reply
main_fears 8. What are your top three fears or concerns relating to COVID-19? (please rank from most important to least important)
main_problems1 29. What are the main problems that you are facing in relation to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/a. Lack of access to drinking/clean water
rest_measures9 1. Have any of the following measures been imposed in this area as a result of COVID-19? (list all measures to respondent)/New mobile checkpoints
covid_impact1 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/a. Reduced or limited access to humanitarian services
covid_impact2 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/b. No access to any humanitarian services
covid_impact3 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/c. Reduced or limited freedom of movement
covid_impact9 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/i. Inability to procure essential medicine
covid_impact16 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/p. (Increase in) domestic violence -REFER
covid_impact17 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/q. Moving to a lower quality shelter
covid_impact18 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/r. Eviction (due to stigma / discrimination)
hum_services2 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/Water trucking
hum_services8 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/Legal assistance
hum_services12 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/Emergency support
hum_services14 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/Other [specify]
hum_services15 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/Don't know
reg_treat_y If yes, do you expect that the outbreak of COVID 19 and/or the measures taken by GOL might affect your ability to access the needed treatment or surgery?
rec_info6 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/f. Facebook (UNHCR and refugee Facebook pages)
rec_info10 20. How do you receive information related to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/j. Through humanitarian organizations (UN/NGOs)
main_problems2 29. What are the main problems that you are facing in relation to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/b. Lack of soap and other hygiene items
main_problems5 29. What are the main problems that you are facing in relation to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/e. Cannot afford healthcare related costs
covid_impact5 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/e. Inability (or increased difficulty) to pay rent
covid_impact14 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/n. Not able to withdraw cash from ATMs
hum_services4 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/Primary health care
hum_services5 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/Secondary health care
hum_services6 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/Mental health services
hum_services7 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/Education and learning opportunities
hum_services9 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/Cash and food assistance
hum_services10 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/Case management for protection
hum_services13 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/Renewal of UNHCR documents
more_info8 19. Which areas do you feel you need more information on? (list all to the respondent)/g. Government measures related to COVID-19
more_info9 19. Which areas do you feel you need more information on? (list all to the respondent)/h. UNHCR measures relating to COVID-19
main_problems6 29. What are the main problems that you are facing in relation to COVID-19? (select all that apply)/f. Inability to care for self and lack of assistance at home
rest_measures4 1. Have any of the following measures been imposed in this area as a result of COVID-19? (list all measures to respondent)/No visitors allowed from outside the municipality
rest_measures12 1. Have any of the following measures been imposed in this area as a result of COVID-19? (list all measures to respondent)/Restricting refugees from accessing ATMS
covid_impact6 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/f. Difficulties buying food due to lack of money
covid_impact7 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/g. Difficulties buying food due to lack of availability
covid_impact19 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/s. Eviction (due to inability to cover rental payments)
hum_services11 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/Rehabilitation services (elderly and PwDIS)
dec_move5 b. If decision to move, please specify why your family has moved/e. Voluntary - Move away from an area with suspected/ confirmed COVID cases
rest_measures6 1. Have any of the following measures been imposed in this area as a result of COVID-19? (list all measures to respondent)/Restriction on freedom of assembly, including in private spaces
rest_measures10 1. Have any of the following measures been imposed in this area as a result of COVID-19? (list all measures to respondent)/Restricting refugees from accessing supermarkets in the municipality
rest_measures11 1. Have any of the following measures been imposed in this area as a result of COVID-19? (list all measures to respondent)/Restricting refugees from accessing pharmacies in the municipality
covid_impact8 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/h. Reduced access to healthcare [due to fear of discrimination/other]
covid_impact12 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/l. Loss of family support due to isolation and movement restriction
covid_impact13 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on you and/or on your household? (select all that apply)/m. Lack of education for children who used to be enrolled in school
hum_services3 a. Please indicate the humanitarian services to which access has been limited or reduced as a result of COVID-19? (select all that apply)/Desludging (emptying) of toilets / septic tanks
more_info7 19. Which areas do you feel you need more information on? (list all to the respondent)/f. How to deal with stress linked to the outbreak of Covid-19