Compare File Name Label
information_received_legal_status I4. If the assistance could be started again would you prefer: / My legal status in Poland
spent_cash_on_give_to_other_text F3. What did you spend the UNHCR cash on? / Gave some to other family members / relatives / friends (in Poland or other countries, not Ukraine)
sources_income_support_family_poland C14. What other sources of income or support has your household received or used in the last 4 weeks? / Support from friends / family (locally, in Poland)
sources_income_work_informal C14. What other sources of income or support has your household received or used in the last 4 weeks? / Informal income generating activities in Poland e.g. casual /seasonal labour
sources_income_work_formal C14. What other sources of income or support has your household received or used in the last 4 weeks? / Formal income generating activities in Poland e.g. any business or activities generating money, or salary