Compare File Name Label
return_intentions Overall return intentions (calculated)
consent_follow_up Consent to participate in follow up survey
q34_oblast To which oblast of Ukraine will you go?
q34_settlement To which settlement of Ukraine will you go?
q26_4 Has your household had access to any of the following sources of income or benefits in the last month? Pension from Ukraine
s5_oblast In which Oblast of Ukraine are you currently living?
q10_oblast In which Oblast of Ukraine are you currently living?
q32 Whom are you planning to return permanently to Ukraine with?
q34_settlement_other To which other settlement of Ukraine will you go?
q26_9 Has your household had access to any of the following sources of income or benefits in the last month? Transfers from relatives or friends in Ukraine
q36 When do you hope to return permanently to Ukraine?
q26_10 Has your household had access to any of the following sources of income or benefits in the last month? Transfers from relatives or friends outside of Ukraine
s1 Were you living in Ukraine as a resident on the 23rd of February 2022?
q29 What was the main reason why you went back to Ukraine?
q35 Do you hope to return permanently to Ukraine one day?
q30 Do you plan to go back to Ukraine in the next 3 months?
q29_a Do you feel you have sufficient information to decide on your intention to return to your Place of Origin?
q31c What is the main reason why you are planning to go back temporarily to Ukraine?
q38_21 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Age
q38_20 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Other
q38_99 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Prefer not to answer
q17_a Did you lose or are you missing an official document issued by the government of Ukraine since you are displaced?
q38_24 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Family / personal circumstances
q38_1 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because of safety and security concerns
q38_2 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Due to the occupation of the city/region
q38_3 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because of lack of work / livelihood opportunities
q38_10 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because of fears due to my profile
q38_22 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Atmosphere / people in the place of permanent residence
q38_23 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? More prospects in the place of the current location
q38_4 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because of inadequate basic utilities and infrastructure in place of origin
q38_25 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? I am getting an education at the place of permanent residence
q38_5 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because of lack of access to adequate health care in place of origin
q38_9 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because of lack of specialized services to cater for my specific needs
q38_13 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because I no longer have family in my place of origin
q38_15 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because my children are attending school in my current location
q38_18 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because I have better housing solutions in current location
q38_7 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because of lack of adequate housing and/or concerns over my property/housing
q38_11 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because I don't have sufficient resources or support to return and/or reintegrate there
q38_12 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because some of my immediate / extended family do not wish to return
q38_17 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because we feel integrated or the potential to integrate in my current location
q38_6 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because of lack of education opportunities or functioning schools for my children in areas of origin
q38_8 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because I don't have enough information about the situation to make a decision
q38_14 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because I have found stable work opportunities in my current location
q37a_17 How much the decision on whether to return permanently or not to your place of origin would depend on: If other relatives (e.g. spouse, children, extended family) cannot leave Ukraine
q38_16 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because I or other household members are accessing health services / treatment in my current location
q38_19 What are the three main reasons why you are not hoping to return permanently to Ukraine? Because I have better access to basic utilities and infrastructure (water, electricity, heating) in current location
q26_2 Has your household had access to any of the following sources of income or benefits in the last month? Salary from employment
q26_3 Has your household had access to any of the following sources of income or benefits in the last month? Income from self-employment
q26_14 Has your household had access to any of the following sources of income or benefits in the last month? Social protection programmes or benefits from Government
q26_7 Has your household had access to any of the following sources of income or benefits in the last month? Income from investment, savings, insurance or property