Value |
Category |
1 |
120 |
150 |
500 |
Asxaabta |
Baabuur wadid, nadiifiso |
Boqol dollar oo family gacan qabasho oo aan ka helnay dad qaraabo noo ah |
Building home's |
Dhacdhac marmar ah |
Dukaan yara oo ay nolol maalmeedkooda ka helaan |
Ehelka |
Ehelka ayaa na siiya lacag |
Ehelka ayaa noo soo dira lacag iyo odayga |
Ehelka dibada |
Ehelka iyo qaraabada dhow |
Ehelkaya ayaa na caawiya |
Family asistant |
Farming was a key source of income for this household but there are two areas who support the family income and are the livestock and tea shop. |
Force Labour |
Gaari baa noo shaqeeyo |
Gabadha reerka leh oo meel tamaandho la fadhiisata |
Gacan qabasho ehelkayaga dhoow |
Gacan qabasho family |
Head of household earnings. |
Income from driving taxi |
Labour |
Livestock |
Livestock and a small shop are the sources of income for this household |
Livestock is the only source of this household because the farms are useless since their advantages rely on the rain. |
Local family assistance |
Money from relatives and family |
Money that the household head saved an account before. |
Mushaar |
Mushahar |
Mushaharka odayga |
Ninka reerka ayaa ka shaqeeya wasaarada caadimaadka |
Odayga reeeka ayaa dilaal xoolaha sida adhiga. |
Our own restautrant |
Qaraabada ayaa na kaalmaysa |
Qaraabo |
Raashin |
Relative contribution |
Relatives support and livestock are the only two sources of this household's income. |
Sadaqo |
Salary |
Shaxad |
She has a small shop that sells small things and make some school food for children |
Small business |
Small business owned by the mother (maqaaxi) |
Small farm |
The family head burns plants for charcoal |
The household head earns a not primary job. |
The household head earns the income of this household |
The household head earns the income of this household although he does not have a fixed job |
The livestow is the only source of This household |
The only source of this household is selling of their livestock. |
This is an old woman aged 72 years, although she is healthy she can't do a lot, some of her relatives live near her house and they help her with her daily life, that is the only source of her income and she is optimistic with her life condit |
Waa caawin ehelka |
Waxaan gadanaa xoolahayaga oo kali ah |
Waxaan lacag ka helnaa ehelka |
Waxay iibsataa xoolo baafiyaha u jooga |
Xammaali |
Xawalad |
Xoolaha oo aan iibsani |
bussiness |
ganacsi |
the head of house hold works on making bread and selling it. |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.