
Thematic Collections

COVID-19 Related Studies

UNHCR provides protection and assistance to people forced to flee who are disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. A series of data collection exercises to assess needs and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, evaluate interventions and coverage in health care facilities is presented in this collection.

Energy Information System

In line with its global strategy for Safe Access to Fuels and Energy (2014-2018), UNHCR Energy programmes promote the use of clean or fuel-efficient cookers, alternative and sustainable fuels, and solar-powered lighting. The UNHCR Integrated Refugee and Forcibly Displaced Energy Information System, or the Energy Information System (EIS) for short, enables monitoring of progress towards project goals. It is built on a rigorous monitoring framework that provides evidence which helps operations and partners ensure programs impacts can be measured. © UNHCR/Chinar Media

IDP Profiling

This collection contains profiling exercises conducted for IDP situations. The objective of profiling is primarily to obtain baseline information and subsequent overview of the population for a specific purpose, such as better targeting of assistance or understanding of social dynamics among the communities. © UNHCR/Catalina Betancur Sánchez

Intentions Surveys

A collection of return and movement intention surveys is presented here. Return and movement intentions survey are studies conducted to evaluate the pursuit of durable solutions to displacement, which include voluntary return. © UNHCR/Laura Padoan

Livelihoods Information System

The opportunity to work and earn a living is one of the most effective ways that people can rebuild their lives after fleeing war or persecution. The UNHCR Integrated Refugee and Forcibly Displaced Livelihoods Information System, or the Livelihoods Information System for short, is a rigorous monitoring framework that provides evidence which helps operations and partners measure the impacts of livelihoods access programs. The framework analyzes impact through a set of indicators that aligns with global best practices. © UNHCR/Laura Padoan

Needs Assessments

Needs assessments in UNHCR are data collection exercises conducted at a single point in time to gain an understanding of the protection issues, availability of resources, sources of problems and their impact on the affected population. © Humanitarian Mission Proliska/UNHCR/Artur Ulianytskyi

Post-Distribution Monitoring

Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) is an exercise conducted independently from the distribution itself, designed to collect information related to the objectives of the distribution like access to basic needs and services or shelter, construction, coping strategies and spending habits, and the quality of the distribution process. PDM findings may be used to verify compliance with agreed procedures and detect irregularities. The results are fed back into the programme cycle in order to improve the way distributions are designed, calculated and delivered. A collection of datasets of PDM is presented here.

Protection Monitoring

Protection monitoring is the systematic and regular collection, verification, and analysis of information over an extended period to identify violations of rights and/or protection risks, priorities for, and needs of populations of concern.

Socioeconomic Assessments

UNHCR work with partners to expand the availability, quality and utility of socioeconomic data on refugees and host communities. Reliable data is essential to identify and plan appropriate solutions to improve the socioeconomic circumstances of refugees as well as uplift surrounding communities. © UNHCR/Charity Nzomo

Standardized Expanded Nutrition Surveys

The Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) is a 7 module survey based on the Standardised Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART) Methodology for survey design and anthropometric assessments, and adapted to the specific requirements of refugee settings. It allows UNHCR and its partners to describe the situation of refugees with regards to nutrition in a standardised way from year to year. © UNHCR/Samuel Otieno

Statelessness Assessments

This collection presents studies collected to screen and profile stateless populations The international legal definition of a stateless person is “a person who is not considered as a national by any State under the operation of its law”. UNHCR is mandated by the UN General Assembly to identify and protect stateless people and to prevent and reduce statelessness. © UNHCR/Charity Nzomo

Synthetic Registration Data

When people are forced to flee their homes due to war, persecution, or violence, registration and documentation by UNHCR are critical first steps in ensuring protection and access to essential assistance. The data collected during registration provides comprehensive insights into displaced populations, supporting program planning for shelter, food, water, healthcare, sanitation, cash-based interventions, and other targeted aid. The datasets in this collection contain synthetic versions of UNHCR registration data. These were generated using artificially created values that maintain many of the statistical properties of the original datasets, making them a valuable resource for research and analysis.

UNHCR's Forced Displacement Survey

The Forced Displacement Survey (FDS) is UNHCR’s new household survey programme that is designed to standardize, streamline, and produce high-quality and timely data on people forced to flee. It produces multi-topic data which is comparable across countries and over time. Aligned with international statistical standards, the FDS provides the evidence needed to plan development programmes for refugees, asylum-seekers and host communities. More information on the FDS can be found here. © UNHCR/Colin Delfosse

UNHCR's Results Monitoring Surveys

The UNHCR Results Monitoring Surveys (RMS) are household-level surveys that monitor changes in the lives of forcibly displaced and stateless persons in terms of the safeguarding of their rights and their well-being. The RMS are administered using a standard questionnaire and follow context-appropriate methodological approaches. Results contribute to generate evidence for effective programming, advocacy, and reporting against UNHCR’s multi-year strategies. More information on the RMS can be found here. © UNHCR/Olivier Jobard

UNHCR-WFP Joint Hub Datasets

This collection contains studies and assessments produced by the UNHCR-WFP Joint Programme Excellence and Targeting Hub, an inter-agency team that technically supports UNHCR and WFP on joint work in a number of thematic areas at the country, regional and global level.

Vulnerability Assessments

Vulnerability Assessments establish a multi-sectoral framework which supports the humanitarian and development community to measure and monitor refugee vulnerability; target programs in a more efficient and equitable manner based on common vulnerability criteria; and strengthen coordination and decision making to inform the delivery of assistance and support the self-reliance of refugees. © UNHCR/Nabil Narch

WASH Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Surveys

The Annual Knowledge Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Survey is a household survey which collects information on water collection and storage, drinking water hygiene, sanitation infrastructure, hygiene knowledge and behaviors. © UNHCR/Lilly Carlisle

Other Collections

The World Bank Microdata Library

Selected datasets from the World Bank Microdata Library regarding persons affected by forced displacement and statelessness.

The Humanitarian Data Exchange

Selected datasets from the Humanitarian Data Exchange on persons affected by forced displacement and statelessness.

The Food and Agriculture Microdata Catalogue (FAM)

Selected datasets from the Food and Agriculture Microdata Catalogue (FAM) regarding persons affected by forced displacement and statelessness. The FAM is managed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

Other organizations

A collection of datasets stored in external libraries. Image © UNHCR/Socrates Baltagiannis