Literal question
Ever married women age 10 or older
[Questions 219-221 were asked of ever-married women age 10 or older.]
[Questions 220-221 were asked of ever-married women age 10 or older who had a live birth.]
220. How many of [the respondent's] children are:
a. Living in this household?
_ _ Sons
_ _ Daughters
b. Living elsewhere?
_ _ Sons
_ _ Daughters
a. Have died?
_ _ Sons
_ _ Daughters
Interviewer instructions
Ever Married Women Who Are 10 Years or Older
[p. 142]
Questions number 219, 220 and 221 are asked to women who have ever married who are 10 years or older. If Q203 has a code 2, Q204 (age) 10 or older, and Q215 has codes 2, 3 or 4, then Q219, Q220 and Q221 must be asked. If not all requirements are met, then Q219, Q220 and Q221 should not be asked and should be left BLANK (Don't enter code 00).
The information which will be collected from every female household member who has ever married aged 10 or older is: has she ever given birth to a baby born alive, number of children still living, number of children who have died and whether she has given birth to a child after 1 January 2009. Information about number of children born alive who are still living and number of children who died must be recorded in detail classified by sex and whether or not the living children live in this household or a different household. Stillborn children are not included in this question.
Questions 220a, 220b and 220c: Total Number of Children Born Alive
Ask the total number of own children who were ever born alive to the household member who meets all the requirements [respondent has had a live birth]. Record the total number of children born alive, those who are still alive and live in this household or live in a different household as well as those who have already died. For the household member who has been married several times, this should include the children from all marriages from the first through the last.
Child born alive is an own child who at the time of its birth had signs of life, even though only for a very short time, such as heart beating, breathing, and crying.
Stillborn means that at the time of birth the child did not show any signs of life. A stillborn child is not included in this question.
If a child lives outside this household and it is not known whether the child is still alive, then it is assumed to be still alive.
In order to be clear and correct, the enumerator should read aloud the results he/she has recorded to confirm the information with the respondent. Say:
"So that I am sure that I have correctly recorded the information, please correct me if I have made any mistakes.
a. Number of own children of (Mrs. Arina, for example) still alive and who live in this household is (2, for example) boys and (1) girl.
b. Number of own children of (Mrs. Arina, for example) still alive and who live outside this household is (1, for example) boy and (no) girl.
c. Number of own children of (Mrs. Arina) who have died is (no) boy and (1) girl."