Interviewer instructions
Columns P26 to P33 -- Fertility
These questions apply to all women age 10 years or older. For all males and for girls younger than 10 years, draw a straight line in each of these columns as appropriate.
134. These questions must be answered for all women age 10 years and older, irrespective of their marital status, and whatever their relationship to the head of the household.
P26 and P27 -- Total children born alive
135. In these columns you must record the number of children born alive by women age 10 years or older, even if the children) is/are dead.
136. A child born alive is one who cries or who shows some other signs of life after being born.
137. Include all children who have died, even if they died shortly after birth, all children who have grown up and left the house, all children born to other men as well as to the present husband.
Do not include:
138. Children who were born dead and did not show any sign of life, adopted children, children born to the present husband by another woman, grandchildren, nephews/nieces, etc.
P26 -- Total male births
139. Ask: "Has this woman borne any children?" if the answer is "Yes", then ask:
"How many male children has she borne alive?" Write the number in column P26. Record "00" if she has not had a live male birth. Always use two digits.
P27 -- Total female births
"How many female children has she borne alive?" Write the number in column P27. Record "00" if she has not had a live female birth. Always use two digits.
P32 -- Male children dead
145. Ask: "How many of the male children are dead?" Write the answer in column P32. Record "00" if she has no male child dead. Always use two digits.
P33 -- Female children dead
146. Ask: "How many of the female children are dead?" Write the answer in column P33. Record "00" if she has no female child dead. Always use two digits.
147. Sometimes a woman may forget to mention children who died in infancy and does not wish to be reminded of painful events; you must therefore put this question tactfully and sympathetically.
148. If a woman has never borne a child, record "00" in each of the eight columns. Similarly, if a woman has children in one or two categories only enter the numbers as appropriate and record "00" in the remaining column or columns. Never leave them blank.
149. You have to be careful when you record answers pertaining to the total number of children borne by a woman in her lifetime. The total number of children ever born by a woman will not likely exceed 17 and use that number as a guide. You must therefore probe further if the total number of children recorded for a woman in P26 and P27 exceeds 17.
[Questions P26 - P33: Females age 10 or older]
P32-33 Dead (record as given) ("00" No child)
[] M __
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