Showing 226-240 of 809

Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2018
South Sudan, 2018
ID: UNHCR_SSD_2018_EIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Apr 09, 2021 Views: 2318
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2018
Sudan, 2018
ID: UNHCR_SDN_2018_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Apr 10, 2021 Views: 2435
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2018
Swaziland, 2018
ID: UNHCR_SWZ_2018_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Apr 10, 2021 Views: 1880
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2018
Tanzania, 2018
ID: UNHCR_TZA_2018_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Apr 10, 2021 Views: 2784
Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis 2018
Uganda, 2018
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Office of the Prime Minister of Uganda
Collection: The Food and Agriculture Microdata Catalogue (FAM)
ID: FAO_UGA_2018_RIMA_v01_EN_M_v01_A_OCS Last modified: Jun 17, 2021 Views: 20106
Malaria Indicator Survey 2018 - 2019
Uganda, 2018-2019
National Malaria Control Division (NMCD), Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS)
Collection: The World Bank Microdata Library
ID: WBG_UGA_2018_MIS_v01_M Last modified: May 19, 2021 Views: 13652
Joint Multi-Sector Needs Assessment - 2018
Uganda, 2018
Collection: East and Horn of Africa | Needs Assessments
ID: UNCHR_UGA_MSNA_2018_v2 Last modified: Dec 14, 2022 Views: 8526
WASH KAP Survey, Palorinya Refugee settlement zone 3 - 2018
Uganda, 2018
Norwegian Refugee Council, UNHCR
Collection: East and Horn of Africa | WASH Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Surveys
ID: UNHCR_UGA_KAP_2018_PALORINYA_v2.1 Last modified: Jan 16, 2020 Views: 6546 Citations: 1
WASH KAP Survey, Kyangwali Refugee Settlement 2018
Uganda, 2018
UNHCR, Action Africa Help, Lutheran World Federation
Collection: East and Horn of Africa | WASH Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Surveys
ID: UNHCR_UGA_KAP_2018_KYANGWALI_v2.1 Last modified: Jan 16, 2020 Views: 3159 Citations: 1
Refugee and Host Communities Household Survey 2018
Uganda, 2018
The World Bank
Collection: The World Bank Microdata Library
ID: WBG_UGA_2018_RHCS_v01_M Last modified: Oct 09, 2023 Views: 12
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2018
Ukraine, 2018
ID: UNHCR_UKR_2018_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Apr 10, 2021 Views: 4247
Monitoring of the Shelter Programme - 2018
Ukraine, 2018-2019
Collection: Europe | Post-Distribution Monitoring
ID: UNHCR_UKR_2018_ShelterMonit_v2.1 Last modified: Dec 21, 2021 Views: 1018
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2018
Zambia, 2018
ID: UNHCR_ZMB_2018_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Apr 10, 2021 Views: 2983
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2018
Zimbabwe, 2018
ID: UNHCR_ZWE_2018_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Apr 10, 2021 Views: 2605
Showing 226-240 of 809
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