Rapid Household Assessments 2024 October - December
Name | Country code |
Afghanistan | AFG |
Other Household Survey [hh/oth]
Following the change in authority in Afghanistan on 15 August 2021 and the resulting declaration of a Level 3 emergency, UNHCR introduced a rapid assessment methodology to quickly assess humanitarian and protection needs throughout the country as part of scale-up by UNHCR to respond to the unfolding crisis - an effort that continued throughout 2024. The primary focus of the assessments were IDPs and IDP returnees who account for the majority of the households interviewed in these assessments. Nonetheless, as UNHCR takes a whole-of-community approach in its assistance programme, vulnerable host community members were also assessed, alongside a small number of refugee returnees, asylum seekers and refugees, as well as deported and spontaneous returnees under an area-based approach. The Rapid Household Assessments (RHAF) covers all 34 provinces.
Sample survey data [ssd]
v2.1: Edited, cleaned and anonymised data
The survey assesses needs of the interviewed across mutliple sectors, including:
Topic |
Protection |
Shelter/Other Infrastructure |
Basic Needs |
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support |
Persons of Concern in Afghanistan
Name |
This data analysis focuses on findings received from the population reached and does not make inferences about the total population. Though the sampling does not produce representative findings, the report still helps to provide information on the challenges IDPs and IDP returnees, in particular, face in Afghanistan
There was no sampling strategy for this data collection exercise. For the purpose of anonymization, weight based on the province the responded is located in were assigned where the sample frame according to UNHCR figures.
Start | End |
2024-10-01 | 2024-12-30 |
Name |
UNHCR (2024). Afghanistan: Rapid Household Assessments 2024 October - December. Accessed from: https://microdata.unhcr.org
Name | Affiliation | |
Curation team | UNHCR | microdata@unhcr.org |
Name |