Showing 61-75 of 115

Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Interventions – Apr 2020
Mali, 2020
ID: UNHCR_MLI_2020_CBI_PDM_v2.1 Last modified: Dec 14, 2021 Views: 2124
Cash-Based Interventions Post-Distribution Monitoring - DEC 2020
Mali, 2020-2021
ID: UNHCR_MLI_CBI_PDM_DEC_2020_v2.1 Last modified: Jan 05, 2023 Views: 127
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2020
Niger, 2020
ID: UNHCR_NER_2020_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Oct 12, 2021 Views: 2184
Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2020
Niger, 2020
ID: UNHCR_NER_2020_EIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Oct 12, 2021 Views: 1929
Tillaberi IDP enrolment - May-Oct 2020
Niger, 2020
UNHCR, Government of Niger
Collection: West and Central Africa | IDP Profiling
ID: UNHCR_NER_2020_IDPReg_Tillaberi Last modified: Jun 11, 2021 Views: 1236
Maradi IDP enrolment - Apr-Sep 2020
Niger, 2020
UNHCR, Government of Niger
Collection: West and Central Africa | IDP Profiling
ID: UNHCR_NER_2020_IDPReg_Maradi Last modified: Jun 11, 2021 Views: 1161
Tahoua IDP enrolment - Apr-May 2020
Niger, 2020
UNHCR, Government of Niger
Collection: West and Central Africa | IDP Profiling
ID: UNHCR_NER_2020_IDPReg_Tahoua Last modified: Jun 11, 2021 Views: 935
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2020
Nigeria, 2020
ID: UNHCR_NGA_2020_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Oct 12, 2021 Views: 2691
Intention survey of IDPs in Bambari - 2021
Central African Republic, 2021
ID: UNHCR_CAF_2021_IDP_Intent_Bambari_v2.1 Last modified: Mar 30, 2022 Views: 1656
Obo Refugee Camps Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Interventions - Jan 2021
Central African Republic, 2021
ID: UNHCR_CAF_2021_CBI_PDM_Metadata Last modified: Oct 04, 2021 Views: 1435
Protection Incidents Monitoring - Individual - 2021
Central African Republic, 2021
ID: UNHCR_CAF_2021_PROTECTION_MONITORING_v2.1 Last modified: Sep 29, 2022 Views: 540 Citations: 1
Protection Incidents Monitoring - Household - Q2 2021
Central African Republic, 2021
Collection: West and Central Africa
ID: UNHCR_CAF_Q2_2021_PROTECTION_MONITORING_HH_v2.1 Last modified: Jul 10, 2023
Protection Incidents Monitoring - Household - Q4 2021
Central African Republic, 2021
Collection: West and Central Africa
ID: UNHCR_CAF_Q4_2021_PROTECTION_MONITORING_HH_v2.1 Last modified: Jul 10, 2023
Protection Incidents Monitoring - Household - Q3 2021
Central African Republic, 2021
Collection: West and Central Africa
ID: UNHCR_CAF_Q3_2021_PROTECTION_MONITORING_HH_v2.1 Last modified: Jul 10, 2023
Mayo-Tsanaga IDP Profiling - Jul-Sep 2021
Cameroon, 2021
UNHCR, Comité Mixte de Protection
Collection: West and Central Africa | IDP Profiling
ID: UNHCR_CMR_2021_IDP_Profiling_MayoTsanaga_v2.1 Last modified: Jun 14, 2022 Views: 1713
Showing 61-75 of 115
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