Intentions Surveys

A collection of return and movement intention surveys is presented here. Return and movement intentions survey are studies conducted to evaluate the pursuit of durable solutions to displacement, which include voluntary return. © UNHCR/Laura Padoan

Showing 1-15 of 56

Survey of intentions and perspectives of IDPs #2 - May 2023
Ukraine, 2023
Collection: Europe | Intentions Surveys
ID: UNHCR_UKR_2023_intentions_idps_v2.1 Last modified: Aug 14, 2023 Views: 4
Survey of intentions and perspectives of refugees from Ukraine #2 - Sept 2022
Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic...and 10 more, 2022
Collection: Europe | Intentions Surveys
ID: UNHCR_EU_2022_ukr_intentions_round2_v2.1 Last modified: Jul 06, 2023 Views: 4263
Voluntary Repatriation, 2010
Afghanistan, 2010
Collection: Asia Pacific | Intentions Surveys
ID: UNHCR_AFG_2010_VOL_REP Last modified: Jan 18, 2022 Views: 1013
Voluntary Repatriation, 2011
Afghanistan, 2011
Collection: Asia Pacific | Intentions Surveys
ID: UNHCR_AFG_2011_VOL_REP Last modified: Jan 18, 2022 Views: 965
Voluntary Repatriation, 2012
Afghanistan, 2012
Collection: Asia Pacific | Intentions Surveys
ID: UNHCR_AFG_2012_VOL_REP Last modified: Jan 18, 2022 Views: 1004
Refugees Voluntary Repatriation - 2013-2019
Central African Republic, 2019
ID: UNHCR_CAF_Voluntary_repatriation_PM_v2.1 Last modified: Jan 16, 2023 Views: 436
Voluntary Repatriation, 2013
Afghanistan, 2013
Collection: Asia Pacific | Intentions Surveys
ID: UNHCR_AFG_2013_VOL_REP Last modified: Jan 18, 2022 Views: 1081
Voluntary Repatriation, 2014
Afghanistan, 2014
Collection: Asia Pacific | Intentions Surveys
ID: UNHCR_AFG_2014_VOL_REP Last modified: Jan 18, 2022 Views: 949
Voluntary Repatriation, 2015
Afghanistan, 2015
Collection: Asia Pacific | Intentions Surveys
ID: UNHCR_AFG_2015_VOL_REP Last modified: Jan 18, 2022 Views: 1000
Voluntary Repatriation, 2016
Afghanistan, 2016
Collection: Asia Pacific | Intentions Surveys
ID: UNHCR_AFG_2016_VOL_REP Last modified: Jan 18, 2022 Views: 1175
Voluntary Repatriation, 2018
Afghanistan, 2018
Collection: Asia Pacific | Intentions Surveys
ID: UNHCR_AFG_2018_VOL_REP Last modified: Jan 18, 2022 Views: 1106
Voluntary Repatriation, 2019
Afghanistan, 2019
Collection: Asia Pacific | Intentions Surveys
ID: UNHCR_AFG_2019_VOL_REP Last modified: Jan 18, 2022 Views: 1300
Regional Intention Survey of South Sudanese Refugees in Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of The Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda (June 2019)
South Sudan, Central Africal Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Uganda, 2019
ID: UNHCR_SSD_2019_Reg_IntentionSurv_v2.1 Last modified: May 20, 2020 Views: 8238
Refugees Reintegration Assessment - Individual - 2019-2020
Central African Republic, 2019-2020
ID: UNHCR_CAF_Reintegration_Assessment_PM_2019_v2.1 Last modified: Jan 05, 2023 Views: 113
Cox's Bazar Panel Survey Baseline, 2019
Bangladesh, 2019
Baird, Sarah, Davis, C. Austin, Genoni, Maria, Lopez-Pena, Paula, Mobarak, Ahmed Mushfiq, Palaniswamy, Nethra, Seager, Jennifer, Vishwanath, Tara
Collection: Asia Pacific | Intentions Surveys | Asia Pacific
ID: HARVARD_DATAVERSE_BGD_2019_CBPS_v2.1 Last modified: Dec 21, 2022 Views: 1655
Showing 1-15 of 56
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