Southern Africa

Collection of datasets for Southern Africa countries: Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Mauritius, Namibia, South Africa, Seychelles, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Image © UNHCR/Zinyange Auntony

Showing 46-60 of 75

Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2020
Zambia, 2020
ID: UNHCR_ZMB_2020_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Oct 12, 2021 Views: 9888
Joint WFP/UNHCR Needs Assessment Mantapala Settlement - 2020
Zambia, 2020
ID: UNHCRWFP_ZMB_2020_JNA_v2.1 Last modified: Oct 18, 2022 Views: 1467
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2020
Zimbabwe, 2020
ID: UNHCR_ZWE_2020_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Oct 12, 2021 Views: 3501
Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2020
Zimbabwe, 2020
ID: UNHCR_ZWE_2020_EIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Oct 12, 2021 Views: 2144
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2021
South Africa, 2021
ID: UNHCR_ZAF_2021_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Sep 18, 2022 Views: 627
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2021
Angola, 2021
ID: UNHCR_AGO_2021_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Sep 18, 2022 Views: 566
Joint assessment of Refugees from Central African Republic in North and South Ubangi Living Outside of Camps – Oct 2021
Congo (Democratic Republic of the), 2021
ID: UNHCR_WFP_COD_2021_JAM_CAR_OutCamp_v2.1 Last modified: Aug 22, 2022 Views: 1488
Joint Assessment of Refugees from South Sudan in the Sites in Biringi, Bele and Meri – Mar 2021
Congo (Democratic Republic of the), 2021
ID: UNHCR_WFP_COD_2021_JAM_SouthSudan_v2.1 Last modified: Aug 22, 2022 Views: 1424
Joint Assessment of Refugees from from Central African Republic in North and South Ubangi Living in Camps – Sep 2021
Congo (Democratic Republic of the), 2021
ID: UNHCR_WFP_COD_2021_JAM_CAR_InCamp_v2.1 Last modified: Aug 22, 2022 Views: 1407
Joint Assessment of Refugees from Burundi in Lusenda and Mulongwe Refugee Camps – Jan 2021
Congo (Democratic Republic of the), 2021
ID: UNHCR_WFP_COD_2021_JAM_Burundi_v2.1 Last modified: Aug 22, 2022 Views: 945
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2021
Congo, Rep., 2021
ID: UNHCR_COG_2021_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Sep 18, 2022 Views: 650
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2021
Congo (Democratic Republic of the), 2021
ID: UNHCR_COD_2021_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Sep 18, 2022 Views: 546
Intention to return survey - 2021
Namibia, 2021
UNHCR, Government of the Republic of Namibia
Collection: Southern Africa | Intentions Surveys
ID: UNHCR_NAM_2021_Intention_Return Last modified: Oct 21, 2021 Views: 1664
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2021
Namibia, 2021
ID: UNHCR_NAM_2021_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Sep 18, 2022 Views: 633
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2021
Zambia, 2021
ID: UNHCR_ZMB_2021_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Sep 18, 2022 Views: 984
Showing 46-60 of 75
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