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Citations Asia Pacific

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Guglielmi, Silvia, Nicola Jones, Jennifer Muz, Sarah Baird, Khadija Mitu, and Muhammad A Uddin. ‘We didn’t come here to eat. We came here to save our life’: Health and nutrition challenges facing adolescents in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Policy Brief ed. Vol. June 2020. London: UNHCR, IPA, Yale, GAGE, 2020.
Ahmed, and Barkha. Health Consequences of COVID-19 in Rohingyas Camps: Roles Played by NGOs. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Inc, 2022.
Journal Article
Calderon-Villarreal, Schweitzer, and Kayser. "Social and geographic inequalities in water, sanitation and hygiene access in 21 refugee camps and settlements in Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, and Zimbabwe." International Journal for Equity in Health 21, no. 1 (2022): 27.
Journal Article
Ullah, S M, Asahiro, Moriyama, and Tani. "Socioeconomic Status Changes of the Host Communities after the Rohingya Refugee Influx in the Southern Coastal Area of Bangladesh." Sustainability 13, no. 8 (2021): 4240.
Journal Article
Bullock, Cuesta-Lazaro, Quera-Bofarull, Katta, Pham, Hoover, Strobelt, Jimenez, Sedgewick, Evers, Kennedy, Harlass, {Kahindo Maina}, Hussien, and Luengo-Oroz. "Operational response simulation tool for epidemics within refugee and IDP settlements." (2021) medRxiv.
Working Paper
Srivastava, Allouche, Price, and Nelis. "Bringing WASH into the Water–Energy–Food Nexus in Humanitarian Settings." IDS Working Papers 2022, no. 563 (2022).
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