Intention Survey of Rohingya Refugees from Myanmar: A Regional Perspective - 2021
Name | Country code |
Bangladesh | BGD |
India | IND |
Indonesia | IDN |
Nepal | NPL |
Thailand | THA |
Malaysia | MYS |
Socio-Economic/Monitoring Survey [hh/sems]
In the first half of 2021, UNHCR organized comprehensive consultations with Rohingya refugeesacross the region to better understand how Rohingya refugees envision their future — and what challenges stand in the way of their desired solutions. Teams across Asia interviewed a total of 2,846 Rohingya refugees in the six Rohingya-hosting countries in the region: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, and Thailand, which together host one million Rohingya refugees from Myanmar. These consultations built on extensive work done by various stakeholders in recent years — particularly since the refugee influx to Bangladesh in 2016 and 2017 — to survey Rohingya refugees and ensure their voices are represented and reflected. They also incorporated Rohingya refugees’ views of developments in Myanmar since the events of 1 February 2021.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Information of origin, documentation, education and skills, intention to stay in country of asylum, access to information for decision making.
Topic |
Protection |
Education |
Return |
Legal Assistance |
Housing, Land and Property |
Transport/Logistics |
Settlement |
Solutions |
Connectivity |
All Rohingya refugees registered with UNHCR in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, and Thailand.
Name |
The consultations utilized a sample survey to enable the standardized collection of quantitative data across the profiles and countries of asylum. The information obtained through the survey was then enhanced and supplemented by information gathered through focus group discussions (FGDs) and key informant interviews (KII), which allowed for more nuanced and elaborated discussions and enabled UNHCR to capture the views of population groups (including children, youth, older refugees, persons with disabilities, female heads of households, LGBTIQ+ refugees, and parents of school-age children) whose voices are often under-represented.
UNHCR surveyed a representative sample of women and men and a range of age groups (15 to 17, 18 to 59, and 60 and over) among Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, and Thailand. The sampling methodology and sample sizes chosen ensured a low margin of error (7.5%) and provided a high degree of confidence (90%) that the results obtained from the portion of the population interviewed are representative of the views of the whole. This methodology also allows for statistically confident comparisons of the concerns and intentions of Rohingya refugees across different genders, ages, profiles, and countries of asylum.
Due to their distinct profiles, experiences, and living situations, separate sample strata were drawn for two population groups in Bangladesh (Rohingya who arrived in the 1990s and those who have arrived since 2016) and in Indonesia (Rohingya living independently and those living in IOMsponsored accommodation).
Start | End |
2021-03-08 | 2021-05-17 |
Consultations in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, and Thailand were completed prior to the events of 1 February 2021 in Myanmar. To determine whether the military takeover substantively changed the outlook, intentions, and concerns of Rohingya in these countries, UNHCR conducted FGDs and KIIs to assess the extent to which these events altered refugees’ perspective of the future. These FGDs and KIIs made clear that these developments had not made a substantive difference in refugees’ thinking on the consultation topics. UNHCR therefore believes the results of the consultations in these countries remain valid and a repeat exercise was not necessary. Consultations in Bangladesh commenced in May and hence any implications of the recent events on refugees’ intentions and perspectives were incorporated in their responses.
Name | Affiliation | |
Curation Team | UNHCR | microdata@unhcr.org |
UNHCR (2022). Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific: Rohingya Intention Survey. Accessed from https://microdata.unhcr.org
Name |
Version 1.0 (May 2022)