East and Horn of Africa

Collection of datasets for East and Horn of Africa countries: Chad, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda. Image © UNHCR/Sebastian Rich

Showing 16-30 of 132

KPC (KAP) Survey Report Shire, May-Aini camp - 2017
Ethiopia, 2017
ID: UNHCR_ETH_KAP_2017_SHIRE_MAYINI_v2.1 Last modified: Oct 29, 2019 Views: 5853
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey in 2017
Ethiopia, 2017
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Collection: East and Horn of Africa | Livelihoods Information System
ID: UNHCR-ETH-2017-LIS-2.1 Last modified: Dec 23, 2019 Views: 5280
KPC (KAP) Survey Report Shire, Shimelba camp - 2017
Ethiopia, 2017
ID: UNHCR_ETH_KAP_2017_SHIRE_SHIMELBA_v2.1 Last modified: Oct 29, 2019 Views: 5239
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey in 2017
Kenya, 2017
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Collection: East and Horn of Africa | Livelihoods Information System
ID: UNHCR-KEN-LIS-2017-v2.1 Last modified: Dec 19, 2019 Views: 4432
Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS), Dadaab Refugee Camps - 2017
Kenya, 2017
UNHCR, IRC, Kenyan Red Cross, Medicins sans Frontieres, Islamic Relief Kenya, WFP
Collection: East and Horn of Africa | Standardized Expanded Nutrition Surveys
ID: UNHCR_KEN_2017_SENS_Dadaab_v2.1 Last modified: Mar 17, 2022 Views: 1974
Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2017
Rwanda, 2017
ID: UNHCR_RWA_2017_EIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Apr 09, 2021 Views: 2423
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey in 2017
Somalia, 2017
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Collection: East and Horn of Africa | Livelihoods Information System
ID: UNHCR-SOM-LIS-2017-v2.1 Last modified: Dec 19, 2019 Views: 4422
KAP WASH 2017 in South Sudan's Ajuong Thok and Pamir Camps
South Sudan, 2017
ID: UNCHR_SSD_2017_WASHKAP_v2.1 Last modified: Aug 24, 2020 Views: 2961 Citations: 1
Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2017
Tanzania, 2017
ID: UNHCR_TZA_2017_EIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Apr 09, 2021 Views: 1759
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2018
Djibouti, 2018
ID: UNHCR_DJI_2018_LIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Apr 10, 2021 Views: 3814
Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) in Melkadida Refugee Camps - 2018
Ethiopia, 2018
ID: UNHCR_ETH_SENS_2018_v2.1 Last modified: Dec 05, 2019 Views: 4480 Citations: 1
Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2018
Ethiopia, 2018
ID: UNHCR_ETH_2018_EIS_data_v1.1 Last modified: Apr 09, 2021 Views: 2918
Showing 16-30 of 132
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