Showing 1-15 of 122
covid Reset search

Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19, 2021
Costa Rica, 2021
Collection: Americas | COVID-19 Related Studies
ID: UNHCR_CRI_2021_SEIC_v2.1 Last modified: Mar 21, 2022 Views: 10311
Keyword(s) found in 40 variable(s) out of 1003
Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19, 2021
Mexico, 2021
ID: UNHCR_MEX_2021_SEIC_v2.1 Last modified: Mar 22, 2022 Views: 8695
Keyword(s) found in 42 variable(s) out of 866
COVID-19 Exposure and Protective Measures
Bangladesh, 2020
UNHCR, WHO, UN Global Pulse, UN OCHA, Durham University
Collection: Asia Pacific | COVID-19 Related Studies
ID: UNHCR_BGD_2020_COVIDProtection_v2.1 Last modified: Dec 20, 2021 Views: 2864 Citations: 1
COVID-19 Vaccination Survey, July 2021
China, 2021
ID: UNHCR_CHN_2021_VACC_Q2_v2.1 Last modified: Oct 03, 2021 Views: 2585
COVID-19 Socioeconomic Survey, September 2021
Nepal, 2021
ID: UNHCR_NPL_2021_SOCIO_Q3_v2.1 Last modified: Oct 03, 2021 Views: 12684
Keyword(s) found in 32 variable(s) out of 281
Protection Monitoring of Refugees in Response to COVID-19, 2020
Iraq, 2020
ID: UNHCR_IRQ_2020_PM_COVID_v2.1 Last modified: Sep 24, 2022 Views: 948 Citations: 1
Keyword(s) found in 21 variable(s) out of 163
COVID-19 Community Perceptions - Round 1, May 2020
Iraq, 2020
Ground Truth Solutions
Collection: The Humanitarian Data Exchange
ID: HDX_covid-19-community-perceptions-iraq-round-1-may_vEXT Last modified: Jun 25, 2024
Socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on refugees - Panel Study
Kenya, 2020-2022
ID: UNHCR_KEN_2020_COVID_Panel_v2.1 Last modified: Feb 26, 2021 Views: 73620 Citations: 7
Keyword(s) found in 71 variable(s) out of 2527
Joint Rapid Needs Assessment COVID-19 - May 2020
Colombia, 2020
Grupo Interagencial sobre Flujos Migratorios Mixtos
Collection: The Humanitarian Data Exchange
ID: HDX_gifmm-colombia-joint-rapid-needs-assessment-covid-19-may-2020_vEXT Last modified: Jun 25, 2024
COVID-19 Community Perceptions - Round 2, June 2020
Iraq, 2020
Ground Truth Solutions
Collection: The Humanitarian Data Exchange
ID: HDX_covid-19-community-perceptions-iraq-round-2-june-2020_vEXT Last modified: Jun 25, 2024
COVID-19 High Frequency Phone Surveys for Venezuelans 2021-2022
Ecuador, 2021-2022
Sergio Olivieri
Collection: The World Bank Microdata Library
ID: WBG_ECU_2021_HFPS-W2-VEN_v01_M Last modified: Apr 03, 2023
Keyword(s) found in 12 variable(s) out of 1036
Post Distribution Monitoring: COVID-19 Emergency Response Assistance, 2021
Jordan, 2021
ID: UNHCR_JOR_2021_PDM_COVID_v2.1 Last modified: Mar 13, 2023 Views: 1
Keyword(s) found in 8 variable(s) out of 278
COVID-19 National Panel Phone Survey 2020, Wave 1
Djibouti, 2020
Poverty and Equity Global Practice
Collection: The World Bank Microdata Library
ID: WBG_DJI_2020_CNPPS-W1_v01_M Last modified: May 19, 2021 Views: 3550
Mask-wearing, testing and knowledge of COVID-19 in Cox's Bazaar, 2020
Bangladesh, 2020
Collection: Asia Pacific | COVID-19 Related Studies
ID: UNHCR_BGD_2020_COVID_MWTK_v2.1 Last modified: Dec 11, 2020 Views: 5613 Citations: 2
Keyword(s) found in 21 variable(s) out of 74
COVID-19 National Panel Phone Survey 2020, Wave 2
Djibouti, 2020
Poverty and Equity GP
Collection: The World Bank Microdata Library
ID: WBG_DJI_2020_CNPPS-W2_v01_M Last modified: May 19, 2021 Views: 6317
Keyword(s) found in 2 variable(s) out of 276
Showing 1-15 of 122
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