Catalog History

Country Title Year Created Modified
Chad Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) KAP - GORE 2019 2019 04/04/2023 04/05/2023
Chad Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) KAP - GORE 2021 2021 04/04/2023 04/05/2023
Chad Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) KAP - GORE 2020 2020 04/04/2023 04/05/2023
Mali Cash-Based Interventions Post-Distribution Monitoring - AUG 2021 2021 01/05/2023 04/05/2023
Chad Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) KAP NDJAMENA DEC 2022 2022 04/04/2023 04/05/2023
Kyrgyzstan Results Monitoring Survey 2022 2023 03/28/2023 04/24/2023
Iraq Multi-Sector Needs Assessment, 2017 2017 04/24/2023 04/24/2023
Iraq Multi-Sector Needs Assessment, 2018 2018 04/24/2023 04/24/2023
Iraq Iraq Multi Cluster Need Assessment, 2017 2017 05/01/2023 05/01/2023
Jordan Post Distribution Monitoring: Multi Purpose Cash Assistance Mid-Year 2022 2022 12/13/2022 05/16/2023
Lebanon COVID19 Refugee Household Monitoring, H2 2020 2020 06/02/2023 06/02/2023
Iraq Socio-Economic Vulnerability Assessment Tool, 2022 2022 05/26/2023 06/07/2023
Iraq Refugees Vulnerability Assessment Tool, 2018 - 2020 2018 05/30/2023 06/07/2023
Iraq Iraq Multi Cluster Need Assessment, 2020 2020 05/04/2023 06/12/2023
Iraq Iraq Multi Cluster Need Assessment, 2018 2017 05/01/2023 06/12/2023
Iraq Iraq Multi Cluster Need Assessment, 2019 2019 05/02/2023 06/12/2023
Iraq Iraq Multi Cluster Need Assessment, 2016 2016 05/01/2023 06/12/2023
Iraq Iraq Multi Cluster Need Assessment, 2015 2014 05/01/2023 06/12/2023
Iraq Iraq Multi Cluster Need Assessment, 2021 2021 05/15/2023 06/12/2023
Iraq Iraq Multi Cluster Need Assessment, 2022 2022 05/15/2023 06/12/2023
Iraq Multi-Sector Needs Assessment, 2020 2020 04/25/2023 06/12/2023
Iraq Multi-Sector Needs Assessment, 2021 2021 05/16/2023 06/12/2023
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, 2022 2022 03/14/2023 06/12/2023
Iraq Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq, 2016-2021 2016 06/12/2023 06/16/2023
Malaysia Health Access and Utilization Survey 2022 2022 06/21/2023 07/03/2023
Malaysia Financial behaviour survey, 2022 2023 06/22/2023 07/03/2023
South Sudan Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS), Maban Refugee Camps - 2019 2019 01/14/2022 07/03/2023
Bangladesh WASH Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices survey - 2020 2020 06/19/2023 07/04/2023
Sri Lanka Sri Lankan Refugee Returnees Monitoring 2022 2021 06/30/2023 07/04/2023
Indonesia High Frequency Survey: Communication with Communities - 2022 2022 06/20/2023 07/04/2023
Poland Post-Distribution Monitoring of Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance - 2022 2022 07/04/2023 07/04/2023
Poland Post-Distribution Monitoring of Winter Cash Assistance - 2023 2023 07/04/2023 07/04/2023
Republic of Korea Results Monitoring Survey 2022 2022 06/30/2023 07/04/2023
Nepal Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Interventions 2022 2023 06/30/2023 07/04/2023
Kazakhstan Results Monitoring Survey, 2022 2023 06/23/2023 07/04/2023
Indonesia Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Intervention, 2022 2022 06/20/2023 07/04/2023
Bangladesh Post-Distribution Monitoring of Non-Food Items, 2022 2022 06/30/2023 07/04/2023
Bangladesh Post-Distribution Monitoring of Shelter Materials, 2022 2022 06/30/2023 07/04/2023
Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic...and 10 more Survey of intentions and perspectives of refugees from Ukraine #2 - Sept 2022 2022 07/06/2023 07/06/2023
Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic...and 10 more Survey of intentions and perspectives of refugees from Ukraine #4 - June 2023 2023 07/06/2023 07/06/2023
Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic...and 10 more Survey of intentions and perspectives of refugees from Ukraine #3 - Feb 2023 2022 07/06/2023 07/06/2023
Central African Republic Protection Incidents Monitoring - Household - Q3 2022 2022 07/10/2023 07/10/2023
Central African Republic Protection Incidents Monitoring - Household - Q1 2022 2022 07/10/2023 07/10/2023
Central African Republic Protection Incidents Monitoring - Household - Q2 2022 2022 07/10/2023 07/10/2023
Central African Republic Protection Incidents Monitoring - Household - Q4 2022 2022 07/10/2023 07/10/2023
Central African Republic Protection Incidents Monitoring - Household - Q1 2023 2023 07/10/2023 07/10/2023
Central African Republic Protection Incidents Monitoring - Household - Q2 2023 2023 07/10/2023 07/10/2023
Central African Republic Protection Incidents Monitoring - Household - Q2 2021 2021 07/10/2023 07/10/2023
Central African Republic Protection Incidents Monitoring - Household - Q3 2021 2021 07/10/2023 07/10/2023
Central African Republic Protection Incidents Monitoring - Household - Q4 2021 2021 07/10/2023 07/10/2023
Cameroon Far North Joint Assessment of Nigerian Refugees - Nov 2021 2021 01/05/2023 07/11/2023
Niger UNHCR/WFP Joint Assessment Mission in the regions of Diffa, Marradi, Tahoua,Tillabéri - Niger 2022 2022 07/11/2023 07/11/2023
Burkina Faso Result Monitoring Surveys (RMS) - 2022 2022 07/12/2023 07/12/2023
Slovakia Area-Based Assessment of Refugees and Host Communities - 2022 2022 08/14/2023 08/14/2023
Ukraine Survey of intentions and perspectives of IDPs #2 - May 2023 2023 08/14/2023 08/14/2023
Lebanon Protection Monitoring - Q4 2020 2020 08/19/2023 08/19/2023
Lebanon Protection Monitoring - Q1 2021 2021 08/19/2023 08/19/2023
Lebanon Protection Monitoring - Q2 2021 2021 08/19/2023 08/19/2023
Lebanon Protection Monitoring - Q3 2021 2021 08/19/2023 08/19/2023
Lebanon Protection Monitoring - Q4 2021 2021 08/19/2023 08/19/2023
Chad Cash-based Intervention - Post-distribution Monitoring - DEC 2021 2021 04/04/2023 08/23/2023
China Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Intervention 2022 2022 09/01/2023 09/01/2023
Iraq Results Monitoring Survey, 2022 2022 06/01/2023 09/07/2023
Peru Flow Monitoring, H1 2023 2023 09/08/2023 09/08/2023
Peru Border Protection Monitoring Tacna, 2023 2023 09/08/2023 09/08/2023
Brazil Results Monitoring Survey, 2022 2022 09/13/2023 09/13/2023
Belarus, Czech Republic, Estonia...and 7 more Europe: Ukraine Situation Protection Profiling and Monitoring - Feb-Jun 2023 2023 09/18/2023 09/18/2023
Bangladesh Joint Protection Monitoring - Q2 2022 2022 09/21/2023 09/21/2023
Bangladesh Joint Protection Monitoring - Q1 2022 2022 09/21/2023 09/21/2023
Bangladesh Joint Protection Monitoring - Q3 2022 2022 09/21/2023 09/21/2023
Bangladesh Joint Multi Sector Needs Assessment: Cox’s Bazar, Rohingya Refugee Response – 2021, Refugees 2021 09/21/2023 09/21/2023
Bangladesh Joint Multi Sector Needs Assessment: Cox’s Bazar, Rohingya Refugee Response – 2021, Host Community 2021 09/22/2023 09/22/2023
Bangladesh WASH Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices survey - 2021 2021 09/22/2023 09/22/2023
Kazakhstan Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Intervention 2022 2022 09/22/2023 09/22/2023
Kyrgyzstan Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Intervention 2022 2023 09/22/2023 09/22/2023
Montenegro Access to Fundamental Socio-Economic Rights for Ukrainian Temporary Protection holders, 2023 2023 09/22/2023 09/22/2023
Afghanistan Border Monitoring, inflow - 2021 2021 09/27/2023 09/27/2023
India Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Intervention - 2022 2022 09/27/2023 09/27/2023
Pakistan 2023 HBL Cash Distribution Monitoring Assessment - 2023 2023 09/29/2023 09/29/2023
Pakistan End User Survey of Non-Food Items - 2023 2023 09/29/2023 09/29/2023
Somalia Joint Multi Cluster Needs Assessment, 2019 2019 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Tanzania (United Republic of) Accessibility to Health Care Services in Temeke and Mbeya District, 2018 2017 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Mozambique Disability Data Cabo Delgado Metuge Chiure, 2021 2021 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Iraq IDP Camp Profiling Data, round VI, August-September 2016 2016 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Libya Multi-Sector Needs Assessment Update, June 2016 2016 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Syrian Arab Republic North-West Syria - Earthquake Rapid Needs Assessment, 2023 2023 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Central African Republic Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment, 2022 2022 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Haiti Multi Sector Needs Assessment, 2022 2022 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Iraq Multi Cluster Needs Assessment Round VIII, 2020 2020 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Libya Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment, 2021 2021 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Libya Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment, 2022 2022 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Somalia Detailed Site Assessment (DSA), 2021 2021 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Afghanistan Humanitarian Situation Monitoring Round 3, 2022 2022 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Afghanistan Humanitarian Situation Monitoring Pilot, 2022 2021 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Afghanistan Humanitarian Situation Monitoring Round 1, 2022 2022 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Afghanistan Humanitarian Situation Monitoring Round 2, 2022 2022 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Somalia Facility Mapping for Baidoa Internally Displaced People Settlement, 2017 2017 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Syrian Arab Republic Earthquake Injury Assessment, 2023 2023 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Niger WASH Assessment for the Diffa Region, June 2016 2016 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Syrian Arab Republic Winter Needs Assessment in Northern Syria Camps, 2021 2021 09/30/2023 09/30/2023
Showing 601-700 of 845