Catalog History

Country Title Year Created Modified
Brazil Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2019 2019 04/10/2021 04/10/2021
Burkina Faso Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2019 2019 04/10/2021 04/10/2021
Burkina Faso Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2018 2018 04/10/2021 04/10/2021
Argentina Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2018 2018 04/10/2021 04/10/2021
Angola Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2019 2019 04/10/2021 04/10/2021
Afghanistan Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2019 2019 04/10/2021 04/10/2021
Yemen Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2019 2019 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Tanzania Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2019 2019 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Tanzania Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2017 2017 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Chad Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2019 2019 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Chad Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2018 2018 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Chad Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2017 2017 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
South Sudan Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2019 2019 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
South Sudan Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2018 2018 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Rwanda Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2017 2017 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Niger Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2019 2019 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Mauritania Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2019 2019 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Kenya Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2019 2019 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Kenya Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2018 2018 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Ethiopia Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2018 2018 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Cameroon Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2019 2019 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Cameroon Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2018 2018 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Bangladesh Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2018 2018 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Burkina Faso Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2017 2017 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Angola Energy Monitoring Framework Survey, 2019 2019 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Lebanon Monitoring of the Effects of Economic Deterioration on Refugee Households, Wave 3 (SYR) 2020 2020 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Lebanon Monitoring of the Effects of Economic Deterioration on Refugee Households, Wave 3 (RON) 2020 2020 04/09/2021 04/09/2021
Uganda Post Distribution Monitoring of Non-Food Items - Menstrual Hygiene Management Kits, 2020 2020 03/26/2021 03/26/2021
Kenya Socioeconomic Survey of Refugees in Kakuma 2019 2019 03/12/2021 03/16/2021
Cameroon Assessment on the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 on refugees, IDPs and host communities - June 2020, Extreme North 2020 03/08/2021 04/12/2021
Kenya Socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on refugees - Panel Study 2020 02/26/2021 02/26/2021
Malawi Dzaleka refugee camp - Post Distribution Monitoring for Cash-Based Intervention - 2020 2020 02/19/2021 02/23/2021
Zimbabwe COVID-19 Impact on Food Security, Livelihoods and Local Markets (Jul - Sep 2020) 2020 02/19/2021 02/19/2021
Bangladesh Post Distribution Monitoring - Shelter and Non-Food Items, Rohingya Refugee Response - July 2020 2021 02/17/2021 02/17/2021
Jordan Home Visits (version 9v2), 2019-2020 2019 02/16/2021 02/16/2021
Jordan Home Visits (version 9), 2019 2019 02/16/2021 02/16/2021
Jordan Home Visits (version 8v2), 2018 2018 02/16/2021 02/16/2021
Jordan Home Visits (version 8), 2017-2018 2017 02/16/2021 02/16/2021
Jordan Home Visits (version 7), 2017 2017 02/16/2021 02/16/2021
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, 2020 2020 01/26/2021 01/26/2021
Lebanon Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance: Impact Evaluation on the Well-Being of Syrian Refugees - 2020 2018 01/19/2021 01/19/2021
Bangladesh Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Intervention, September 2020 2020 01/08/2021 01/08/2021
Nigeria Socio-economic impact assessment of COVID-19 pandemic among persons of concern in Nigeria (July 2020) 2020 01/06/2021 01/06/2021
Bangladesh Mask-wearing, testing and knowledge of COVID-19 in Cox's Bazaar, 2020 2020 12/11/2020 12/11/2020
Kenya Socioeconomic Survey of the Stateless Shona in 2019 2019 12/08/2020 02/18/2021
Bangladesh Joint Multi Sector Needs Assessment: Cox’s Bazar, Rohingya Refugee Response – August 2020, Refugees 2020 12/03/2020 12/03/2020
Bangladesh Joint Multi Sector Needs Assessment: Cox’s Bazar, Rohingya Refugee Response – August 2020, Host Community 2020 12/03/2020 12/03/2020
Mozambique KAP Survey – Maratane Refugee Camp 2019 11/19/2020 11/19/2020
India Socio-economic study of impact of corona virus pandemic on refugees and asylum seekers, 2020 2020 11/02/2020 11/02/2020
Mauritania Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on the socio-economic and protection situation of refugees in the Mbera refugee camp, July 2020 2020 10/31/2020 10/31/2020
Kenya KAP Survey and a Mini Evaluation Of The WASH Project in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Settlement Site - 2019 2019 09/30/2020 10/01/2020
Philippines Zamboanga Home Based IDP Re-Profiling 2016 2016 09/28/2020 09/28/2020
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment of Refugees of Other Nationalities - 2019 2019 09/23/2020 09/23/2020
South Sudan KAP WASH 2019 in South Sudan's Ajuong Thok and Pamir Camps 2019 09/15/2020 09/15/2020
Philippines Profiling Internally Displaced Persons of the Marawi Conflict 2018 09/08/2020 09/08/2020
Uruguay Protection Monitoring, 2020 2019 09/04/2020 09/04/2020
Peru Protection Monitoring, 2020 2018 09/04/2020 09/04/2020
Panama Protection Monitoring, 2020 2019 09/04/2020 09/04/2020
Guatemala Protection Monitoring, 2020 2019 09/04/2020 09/04/2020
Ecuador Protection Monitoring, 2020 2018 09/04/2020 09/04/2020
Dominican Republic Protection Monitoring, 2020 2019 09/04/2020 09/04/2020
Colombia Protection Monitoring, 2020 2018 09/04/2020 09/04/2020
Chile Protection Monitoring, 2020 2019 09/04/2020 09/04/2020
Brazil Protection Monitoring, 2020 2019 09/04/2020 09/04/2020
Argentina Protection Monitoring, 2020 2018 09/04/2020 09/04/2020
South Sudan KAP WASH 2018 in South Sudan's Ajuong Thok and Pamir Camps 2018 08/28/2020 08/28/2020
Uganda WASH KAP Survey Palabek Settlement (Refugees & Host Community), October 2019 2019 08/24/2020 09/23/2020
Zambia COVID-19 Impact Assessment on Refugee Livelihoods: Multistakeholder Rapid Assessment - 2020 2020 08/24/2020 09/24/2020
South Sudan KAP WASH 2017 in South Sudan's Ajuong Thok and Pamir Camps 2017 08/24/2020 08/24/2020
Bangladesh WASH KAP Survey in Rohingya Cox’s Bazar, November 2019 2019 08/10/2020 08/20/2020
Brazil Socio-economic profile of refugees, 2018-2019 2018 07/13/2020 07/13/2020
Lebanon Monitoring of the Effects of Economic Deterioration on Refugee Households, Wave 2 (RON) 2020 2020 06/30/2020 06/30/2020
Lebanon Monitoring of the Effects of Economic Deterioration on Refugee Households, Wave 1 (RON) 2020 2020 06/30/2020 06/30/2020
Kenya Post Distribution Monitoring Survey in Kalobeyei Settlement, March 2020 2020 06/28/2020 09/23/2020
Lebanon Monitoring of the Effects of Economic Deterioration on Refugee Households, Wave 2 (SYR) 2020 2020 06/23/2020 06/23/2020
Lebanon Monitoring of the Effects of Economic Deterioration on Refugee Households, Wave 1 (SYR) 2020 2020 06/23/2020 06/23/2020
Lebanon COVID19 Refugee Household Monitoring, 2020 2020 06/23/2020 06/23/2020
Tanzania Alternative Cooking Fuels and Training Programme - 2019 2019 06/21/2020 06/30/2020
Kenya Measuring statelessness: A study of the Pemba - 2016 2016 06/18/2020 06/18/2020
Tanzania Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) in Kigoma Refugee Camps (Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli) - October 2019 2019 06/02/2020 06/02/2020
Kenya Socio-economic Profiling Survey of Refugees in Kalobeyei 2018 2018 05/06/2020 05/06/2020
Uganda Joint Multi-Sector Needs Assessment - 2018 2018 04/01/2020 12/14/2022
Tanzania Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) in Kigoma Refugee Camps (Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli) - December 2016 2016 03/31/2020 05/20/2020
Sudan Progress Towards Durable Solutions in Abu Shouk and El Salam IDP Camps, 2019 2018 03/30/2020 03/30/2020
Tanzania Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) in Kigoma Refugee Camps (Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli) - October 2018 2018 03/25/2020 05/20/2020
Tanzania Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) in Kigoma Refugee Camps (Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli) - October 2017 2017 03/25/2020 05/20/2020
South Sudan, Central Africal Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Uganda Regional Intention Survey of South Sudanese Refugees in Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of The Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda (June 2019) 2019 03/25/2020 05/20/2020
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees - 2016 2016 03/24/2020 03/24/2020
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees - 2017 2017 03/23/2020 03/23/2020
Cameroon Analysis and Refinement of Targeting Mechanisms for Food and Multipurpose Cash Assistance to Central African Republic Refugees - 2016 2016 03/02/2020 12/19/2022
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Arsaal - 2019 2019 03/02/2020 05/20/2020
Iraq Profiling of South and Central Governorates - 2016 2016 02/21/2020 12/08/2023
Bangladesh WASH Assessments in UNHCR Bangladesh Supported Camps 2018 2018 02/20/2020 12/14/2022
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees - 2019 2019 02/14/2020 05/20/2020
Greece Thessaloniki: Profiling of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Third Country Nationals not registered with the Asylum Service. Potential and Obstacles to Local Integration. 2019 2018 02/13/2020 02/13/2020
Uganda WASH KAP Survey Kyangwali Refugee Camp, November 2019 2019 02/13/2020 05/20/2020
Ethiopia Joint Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey Final Report (Aysaita & Berhale) Refugee Camps, Afar Region, Ethiopia (September 2017) 2017 02/13/2020 03/25/2020
Bangladesh Post Distribution Monitoring shelter and non-food items - September 2018 2018 01/29/2020 01/29/2020
Bangladesh Post-Distribution Monitoring Cash-Based Interventions - July 2018 2018 01/29/2020 01/29/2020
Bangladesh Shelter Need Assessment Cox's Bazar 2019 2019 01/21/2020 01/21/2020
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